A B O U T   U S





技術士(建設部門 都市及び地方計画)


福岡県糸島市在住、石川県で育つ。九州大学大学院都市環境デザイン専攻にて工学修士、景観研究室在籍時に後に土木学会デザイン賞を受賞した「遠賀川 直方の水辺」プロジェクトに従事し、参加型デザインが風景づくりにもたらす大きな可能性を経験する。


コーネル大学大学院にてランドスケープアーキテクチュア修士取得後、Schweingruber Zulauf

Landschaftsarchitekten(スイス・チューリッヒ。現Studio Vulkan。)、大成建設設計本部(東京)勤務を経て、2016年より福岡を拠点に(株)Takebayashi Landscape Architects開設。





  • 九州大学非常勤講師(建築) (2020年~)
  • 佐賀県美しい景観づくりアドバイザー (2020年~)
  • あまみずコーディネーター養成講座2019|京都 KYOTO/講師 (2019)
  • 世界銀行 総合的な都市洪水リスク管理に関する分野別実務者研修会合 (2019)


  • 北九州市景観アドバイザー (2019年~)



  • 土木学会デザインコンペ 22世紀の国づくり~ありたい姿と未来へのタスク~ 入選 (2018)


  • 大成建設環境本部長賞 (2013)
  • 大成建設建築技術アワード賞 (2013)
  • 沖縄・大規模基地返還跡地利用計画提案コンペ 1等 (2012)
  • 土木学会デザイン賞 最優秀賞 (2009)

「遠賀川 直方の水辺」

Tomoki Takebayashi


Founder CEO/ Principal Landscape Architect


Gaining multidisciplinary academic and professional experiences in Japan, New York, and Zurich, Tomoki founded Takebayashi Landscape Architects Ltd. to practice landscape and public realm design with passion in creating spaces which express the site specific history, natural environment, and social context of their location.  Specialize in landscape architecture for infrastructural spaces such as streets, riversides, urban plazas.


Also, he has committed to several positions, such as a director at Mizbering Hii River, a landscape advisor in Kitakyushu City, and Saga prefectural government.  Mizbering Hii River is a community based green infrastructure project which is equipped with a comprehensive water cycle system that encompasses flood control, water utilization, environmental preservation, and quality of life of local people.  At the 2nd Technical Deep Dive on Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management, which was held by such as the World Bank’s Tokyo Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tomoki contributed to a Mini Studio program planning and facilitation as a coordinator.


Tomoki earned the Master of Engineering degree from Kyushu University, where he engaged in an Onga River planning and design project and experienced the significant possibilities to invent a better design with a community participatory process.  The project won the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Grand Prize 2009.


After that, Tomoki entered Cornell University in New York and earned the Master of Landscape Architecture degree with a concentration of urbanism and ecological techniques.  He started his professional career in Zurich, where he had a position in Schweingruber Zulauf Landschaftsarchitekten (currently, Studio Vulkan), and later a  design-build Taisei Corporation in Tokyo. In 2016, he founded Takebayashi Landsacpe Architects Ltd. in Fukuoka  and continues to do so today.  He received his PhD from Kyushu University in 2023.




Shintaro Omata


Bachelor of Engineering